pr canc sup mini cooper IMG-20151221-WA0008Alon was 21 when he completed his combat duty and was looking forward to beginning civilian life. But it was not to be. He thought he had the flu. A few days in bed… He waited for it to disappear but it just didn’t go away. Then came the diagnosis. Cancer.
It was a cancer that affects kids only. Because of his condition and the treatment required, he was hospitalized at Dana Children’s Hospital, the pediatric hospital of the renowned Ichilov Medical Center in Tel Aviv.
And so there he was in need of as much support as possible but surrounded by children’s activities. He understood intellectually that the most important issue is to get well but longed for some emotional support along the way. A steady stream of arts and crafts counselors, clowns, entertainers, puppet shows, game room counselors, etc. made its way to his door. This was not what he needed. Besides for not feeling well, Alon felt very out of place.
pr canc sup mini cooper FB_IMG_1450693761073But he had no choice in the matter. That is where he had to be for the kind of treatment that he needs.
All that was before Ezer Mizion became aware of the situation. Ezer Mizion’s dedicated Lego Workshop coordinator, Major Maor Cohen, immediately made his way between the clowns and coloring books and introduced to Alon to the joys of Lego. The long, lonely hours of his frequent week-long hospitalizations were now filled with challenge, something to take his mind off his fears and worries. Before each hospitalization, Alon would call Maor and let him know and Maor would turn up with another Lego building set.
pr canc sup mini cooper 20151220_225157Alon especially enjoyed building a Mini Cooper vehicle, which kept him enraptured. That was when his close friend commented to Maor that Alon’s occupation with the Lego was ruining their relationship…
With a twinkle in his eye, Maor quipped that Alon was building a Mini Cooper to take us all on a picnic. Shortly after Alon’s hospital release, Maor – true to his word – came to pick up Alon and his friend to take them on a picnic. He chauffeured them in an authentic Mini Cooper that he borrowed from a friend who collects antique cars….How’s that for dedication?
Ezer Mizion recently received a sponsorship gift from the Shemtob Foundation with which new Lego sets were purchased. Alon was the first patient to receive a set, which will hopefully tide him over his scheduled hospitalization for surgery and recovery from canc sup mini cooper FB_IMG_1450693721126
The Lego Workshop is an important part of Ezer Mizion’s Donald Berman Rehab Center’s extensive cancer support services for cancer patients (children and adults) and their families.
The Lego Workshop takes place once a week at Ezer Mizion’s “Oranit” Donald Berman Rehab Center that serves as ‘home away for home’ for cancer patients through periods of outpatient treatment. When patients finish their morning treatments, they return ‘home’ to Oranit where they are hosted. The many hours each day are filled by Ezer Mizion’s with creative, therapeutic, recreational activities – including the Lego Workshop.
As all the other recreational and therapy activities, the Lego Workshop is offered as an activity outlet for cancer patients and their siblings and parents as well.
The Lego Workshop also travels to hospital wards several times each week, bringing cheer to children who are hospitalized for extended periods.
Generate Strength and Instill Hope: Become a Lego Sponsor!
