pr fileIf words of praise were drops of water, this page would turn into an ocean of thanks and adulation, after I experienced more than help, more than support, more than just a ride from point A to point B.

I felt as if I’d gotten a dear brother, a supportive and very caring family.

I write, and my hand trembles – not from pain, but from emotion: “Who is like Your nation of Israel,” a holy, sensitive people.

Our family went through a very tough time, when three of our children were hospitalized in different hospitals across the country, one of them in a mental health hospital. Needless to say, at a time like this, money is tight and the fatiguing trips cross country are even harder for a woman.

The trip is not an easy one: The painful sights, the suffering, as well as the interminable expenses.

A friend of mine, who saw my anguish, came over to me and said that there is a number I can call; maybe they’d be able to help me out. Even if it were for one trip, it would be worth it.

She gave me the number of the angels at “Linked to Life.” I innocently called up, thinking to myself, “Why should anyone take me there for nothing? Why should he devote his precious time – to a stranger? Why?

Wow, was I surprised!

It was a short Friday. Shabbat would be starting early, and I felt so deeply for my children. It was hard for me to think of going into Shabbat without having seen them all. Even though I would be staying with one of them for Shabbat, how about the rest of them?

I called. A friendly operator answered politely and sensitively and said that she’d pass on the message.

Within a few minutes, a volunteer by the name of Yossie Landau called. I must stress, he was like an angel of deliverance.

That was where my salvation began:

On that short Friday, the angel Yossie told me matter-of-factly, with his special calm demeanor, that he would take me from one hospital to the next, so that I could see all my children before Shabbat.

After Shabbat – wonder of wonders! The angel did not stop; he kept up the chessed mission that he’d taken upon himself and sent an abundance of hot, nourishing food to our home.

Again, I saw how there is no one like the angels of “Linked to Life.” Suddenly, more volunteers rallied to the cause. Afterwards, I understood that the angel Yossie had asked them to come.

I didn’t have to worry anymore about food for the children at home, and everything that goes along with it, nor about transportation. Words cannot express my gratitude to them all.

I write these words and the tears flow; I cannot contain all the good that came my way through them, especially considering the fact that, as I later found out, Rabbi Yossie Landau the angel made a brit for a grandson at just around that time, and his help was certainly needed at home, yet the entire family rallied for me/ so that he could help me.

Yossie Landau, our personal angel, may Hashem bless you and protect you!

May there be many more volunteers like you in Israel, because, unfortunately, the need is great.

Thank you so much to Ezer Mizion for the initiative.

With deep admiration,

Mother of S.
