pr mental illness flowers 1542_ne_photo_stories1_98b2aErev Yom Kippur, 5776
Dear Ezer Mizion administration,
I just completed a support group/guidance series for parents of children with communication disorders (ASD).
The group took place once every week or two or three or monthly. It didn’t make a difference how frequently – I always waited for it eagerly and accumulated more and more questions and situations to bring up at the group for a solution.
It was a fantastic group! Though it was comprised of parents of children with different kinds of problems, ages, and opinions, this did not bother us in the least.
On the contrary! It was even more enlightening and beneficial!
We supported one another, were helped by one another, and all with openness and full validation.
I cannot begin to thank you for the opportunity to participate in this group.
For the wonderful group leaders, Tichyeh and Miriam, who have hearts broad enough to accept all our emotions and difficulties. I felt that they were really with us, giving each one their full attention, and boosting our inner strength.
I sincerely request that we continue on with this group, so that together, we can build and strengthen ourselves yet further.
I applaud you, Ezer Mizion, and encourage you to continue operating these groups. It is an absolute must for mothers caring for challenging children such as these, who need a place where they can share, express themselves, and get encouraging spiritual “pats on the back” as I did.
Many, many thanks,
and with hope for a continuation,
C. S.
P.S. I would like to give particular mention to Orit, the wonderful “secretary,” who did her job seriously and responsibly. If not for her, the group would not have gotten off the ground. Thank you!
