Hamodia – public blog letters
Dec. 30, 2014
We want to thank Ezer Mizion from the bottom of our heart for their counseling and guidance on the subject of entitlement for a child disability allotment from Bituach Leumi.
We called Ezer Mizion repeatedly, we left numerous messages with lots of questions, and each time, they got back to us with endless patience.
Ezer Mizion’s Advocacy Unit advised us about submitting documents, and again, before we went before the committee – what to present and how to say it, and baruch Hashem, the answer was positive.
We received the full amount, retroactively as well, and did not have to set aside a single shekel for handling fees.
For public benefit, we are posting the Ezer Mizion Advocacy Unit phone number: 0733956703.
M. L.