To the wonderful organization, Ezer Mizion, and the esteemed supporters,

I want to thank and express my deep appreciation to Ezer Mizion, an organization that contributes so much to very many families coping with the challenge of raising a special child.

Ezer Mizion’s summer camp program is the long-awaited time of joy for my daughter Rachel Nechama. pr summerAll year long, Rachel Nechama, a Down’s Syndrome child, talks of Ezer Mizion. She waits breathlessly for the moment the next vacation will begin, and with it, Ezer Mizion’s unique summer retreat.

It fills her with so much joie de vivre enabling her to feel good about herself and progress further when the school year begins again. Of course, her first words when she arrives home are, “When is the next one?”

She herself contributes a lot in the summer camp framework. She is such a happy child, full of engaging playfulness, brimming with consideration and sensitivity to others. Camp life enables her to shine, to give. When she sees handicapped children with severe disabilities, she wants to come to their aid – so the counselors tell me, and that is how we raised her.

I myself have been a widow for 12 years. I was left alone with small children and with the challenge of a special child.

Widowhood and orphanhood are not a simple matter from any respect. Raising children alone involves myriad difficulties, especially in our generation, when it is as tough as the splitting of the sea. We are beset by trials from within and without. The generous assistance and special consideration that Ezer Mizion displays towards us throughout the year translates into the difference between coping and not coping and surely “mitigates the harsh judgments” against the agonizing Jewish people.

I want to thank you with all my heart for your generous help, and included in my thanks is the esteemed donor. May Hashem give you bountiful reward in all areas,
