map of Italy
Italy is one of many countries around the globe whose oncology clinics contact Ezer Mizion to facilitate the transplant that will save the lives of Jewish patients.

Dear Sirs,

My name is Annalisa T. I am writing from Italy to thank with all my heart the Israeli donor who will try to save the life of my husband Mr Luca B: he will receive a bone marrow transplant between the end of April and the beginning of May at the hospital of Santa Chiara in Pisa, Italy. He is fighting, since May 2017, against a LLA (Leukemia).

Could you help me, please, to get in touch with this beautiful person? We don’t know the name, but we only know that he/she is in Israel. I really would like to talk or hug him/her. Possibly inviting him/her to come and visit us in Italy.

If it is not possible, please, forward this email to him or her.

I would be very grateful to you in this desperate research.

Thank you with all my heart and all my love from Italy to you and Israel,

Annalisa T

Wife of Patient Luca B


people helping people around globe
Lives of cancer patients saved in Jewish communities around the globe

When Annalisa and Luca were told the shocking news, they were devastated. Leukemia! Their worst fears! Family members were tested to determine if one was a DNA match but, one after the other, the answer was no. No. No. No.  Their world turned black. A bone marrow transplant could cure him but if family members did not match genetically, then who would? And even if there is some stranger somewhere in the world who does, how can they find him? And why would he be interested in inconveniencing himself for the sake of a man whom he never met? The Jewish community in Italy is small. Other places like the US and Israel have much larger communities but Annalisa and Luca had no contacts in those countries. The chances of curing Luca seemed infinitesimal. Logically, they were correct. But logic has no place when it comes to saving a life.

bmr tubes
New registrants to be genetically tested to remain on stand-by to save a life

A tiny flutter of hope. They were told of Ezer Mizion, a Bone Marrow Registry in Israel, the largest Jewish registry in the world, with close to a million people registered, people whose only purpose in registering is to save a life of another Jew, anywhere in the world.  They were told that Ezer Mizion had an extremely high per capita rate of registrants, much more than other countries.They were told of the many success stories, thousands of people whose lives had been saved. And then one day…they were told: Yes! We have a match!

The donor was contacted by Ezer Mizion. It never occurred to him to refuse. True, he would have to put is personal schedule on hold for a short while. But to save a life?! What’s the question! Ezer Mizion did all it could to make things easier for the donor and soon it was ‘all systems ready to go’.

Yes, Luca and Annalisa were right. Logically his chances were small.   A matching donor was not easy to find.  He lived an ocean away. He didn’t know them personally. In the normal course of events, it would take a miracle to find him. But that’s what Ezer Mizion is all about. Miracles. A caring chessed organization.  Where statistics have no place.
