On that black day, Amichai, who lived with his wife Avital and their six children in Kibbutz Kerem Shalom, protected his family with his body in the most literal sense of the phrase. The terrorists who broke into the settlement attached an explosive device to the door of the family home, and Amichai, who was desperately holding the door, was hit by shrapnel. Miraculously, the rest of the family were not harmed at all.

After the terrorists retreated (another miracle), Avital called the kibbutz’s emergency squad. Only after many hours did Amichai go to the emergency room at the kibbutz, and from there he was taken by helicopter to the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer. It was not until he arrived at the hospital did he realize the severity of his injuries. His face was damaged, his hands and shoulders had many fractures, his right hand was completely shattered, and only two and a half fingers remained from his left.

The grueling, tortuous journey to recovery was about to begin.

Ezer Mizion is heavily involved in the rehabilitation through a special agreement with the Ministry of Defense to benefit disabled soldiers.  He receives hydrotherapy treatment at Ezer Mizion’s Hydrotherapy Pool in Bnei Brak. One of the reasons for Amichai’s choice was to enable him to receive the treatment in isolation and maintain his values ​​and lifestyle.

“I never knew the tremendous benefit that a pool can provide when undergoing rehabilitation. It is working wonders in strengthening the shoulders and arms, ​​he says. I have such a deep longing to lift my little son, and for that I need to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and arms. Ezer Mizion is helping me to fulfil what is a basic desire of every father.  

“The team that works with me is not only professional, skilled and experienced but each member of the team is also considerate, caring and works hand in hand with me. I was physically weak and emotionally challenged. When I arrived at Ezer Mizion, I felt that I had reached a family, my new family. Everyone cares about you. They really do. They give me a lot of hope, encouragement and desire to continue, so that I am motivated to achieve the best results I can.”

Ezer Mizion’s Yankel Kornwasser Rehabilitation Therapy Pool is an integral part of the wide range of services offered to people with mobility disabilities, which includes free ambulance transportation to therapy, treatment and doctor appointments, the transport of vital medication, medical and rehabilitation equipment loan, and more.

Hydrotherapy: What is it?
