website bmr update template



bmr 1 18 b

bmr 1 18
Bone marrow transplant taking place

26 lifesaving transplants
19 from personalized donor pools
2,717 total transplants
890,925 members in registry

Below are the donor pools that saved lives this month, and their total transplants.

Brazil Community Donor Pool – 122 lives saved
Damaghi Family Donor Pool – 43 lives saved – 2 this month
David & Sara Farajun Donor Pool – 98 lives saved – 2 this month
Freescale Israel Donor Pool – 1 life saved
Hole In One Donor Pool – 32 lives saved – 2 this month
Charles Kushner Foundation Donor Pool – 6 lives saved
Irving & Cherna Moskowitz Donor Pool – 26 lives saved
Nitzan Community Donor Pool – 3 lives saved
Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool – 133 lives saved – 4 this month
Steven E. & Bonnie B. Stern Donor Pool – 7 lives saved
Gabor Vardi Donor Pool – 1 life saved
Daniel & Alicia Yacoby Donor Pool – 1 life saved
Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Donor Pool – 3 lives saved
