$50…it can buy a lunch for two… a nice shirt…a tank of gas…or a child’s life. Yes. For fifty dollars, a tiny toddler with cancer can be genetically matched to a bone marrow donor and his life will be saved.
For many cancer patients, a bone marrow transplant is their sole chance of survival. To be successful, both donor and recipient must share the same DNA. Ezer Mizion, the largest Jewish Bone Marrow Registry in the world, has saved over 2500 lives of people around the world but too many are still waiting for the match that will mean life itself.
Parents of tiny toddlers, whose mischievous giggles have long given way to a pathetic whimper, sit for hours in the pediatric oncology ward. Teenagers refrain from joining their peers who are planning their futures since, for them, there may not be a future. Young mothers and fathers clutch their kids tightly, praying so hard that these precious children will not have to grow up as orphans.

Even the largest registry is not large enough. Your gift of $50 will help expand the registry. And then the phone at the home of one of these families may ring and a triumphant voice will announce: Yes! We have a match!
Click on the links to share the joy of families who had despaired of seeing the sun shine again. Donate generously on #GivingTuesday so that other families may share that same joy!