מדינת ישראל
משרד הרווחה והשירותים החברתיים
לשכת סמנכ”ל בכיר (שירותי שיקום)
02 5085400 רח’ ירמיהו 39 , מגדלי הבירה, ירושלים 91012
WWW.GOV. IL : ממשל זמין WWW.MOLSA.GOV. IL : אתרנו באינטרנט
July 3, 2014
Dear Ezer Mizion Administration and all concerned,
Re: Day Camps and Sleep-away Camps Operated by Ezer Mizion
I hereby wish to express my admiration and appreciation to the administration of Ezer
Mizion for running retreats and day camps for special-needs individuals with dedication
and great professionalism, with deep responsibility and sincere empathy.
We regard you as a professional and strong entity that works on behalf of the specialneeds
population with a sense of mission, in the goal of improving their quality of life
and allowing their parents a much-needed break so that they can rally new strength for
the upcoming year, while enabling them to accord their full attention to the other family
These frameworks are geared to create a safe and protected environment for vulnerable
children and youth and to provide them with a fun-filled social climate offering a range
of activities that contribute much to their development.
The exemplary manner in which Ezer Mizion carries out this task achieves all its goals,
and for this you are deserving of all praise.
In addition, the massive network of volunteers available to the organization is actively
involved in this important work. The volunteers serve as one-on-one counselors for the
special campers and create a de facto integration into society and life systems, as well as
“accepting those who are different” with all that this acceptance entails.
It is exhilarating to see the joy on the glowing faces of the campers and the shining eyes
of the dedicated volunteers, who experience the wonder of giving through the experience
of acting as a volunteer counselor for a special-needs child.
The array of camps that you run is a story of true values, which contributes immeasurably
to the strength of our society in Israel.
Dr. Shlomo Elyashar
Deputy Director-General – Rehabilitation Services