Yated Ne’eman/Hamodia
July 29, 2014
By: Y. Scheinfeld

Ezer Mizion is in the process of moving to new, spacious quarters in Givat Shaul, so as to enhance and expand the services the organization provides for residents of the capital.
“Choosing Life” – For many years, this has been the motto of Ezer Mizion’s, which sets as its goal to help every person, no matter who, overcome his challenges and obstacles and choose life.
Under this heading, Ezer Mizion runs a very broad range of services on behalf of the community: a system of medical support, meals for patients and their families, loan of medical and rehabilitative equipment, transport of patients and mobility impaired, supportive services for special children, mental health, social services in the community, volunteering, and more.
With devotion and professionalism, Ezer Mizion envelops the ill and other recipients with a broad network of unique and up-to-date services, providing them with a warm, caring support net.
Due to the extensive activity going on at Ezer Mizion’s Jerusalem branch, the organization felt that they had outgrown their previous quarters. They decided that the branch needed to be relocated to more spacious accommodations, so as to serve the many different applicants for assistance in an inviting and respectable manner, and also to enable them to develop additional services, pinpoint needs, and create innovative ways to assist every person who turns them for help.
Last week, the branch moved to its new quarters at 11 Beit Hadefus Street in Givat Shaul. At Ezer Mizion, they express the hope that the move will enable them to intensify activity in existing departments and develop new services, so as to enable all residents of Jerusalem to “choose life.”
