Professor Yitzchak Yaniv, director of the Hematology-Oncology Department in Schneider Medical Center, hosted the ninth biennial Conference of the European Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Association (EBMT) that took place in Jerusalem.
Results of the latest clinical studies of bone marrow transplants in children were presented before more than 200 participants from 25 countries. The program included a session on issues of ethics and informed consent as they relate to bone marrow transplants, led by Dr. Jerry Stein, head of the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at Schneider, and a session on interaction between the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit and the Intensive Care Unit, led by Dr. Elchanan Nachum, head of the Intensive Care Unit at Schneider.
Simultaneously, there were sessions for nurses dealing with pediatric bone marrow transplants, with the active participation of nurses from the unit in Schneider.
As in other areas of pediatric hematology-oncology, the Schneider Center is at the forefront of participation in international projects for bone marrow transplants as well, with Dr. Jerry Stein leading the protocol in Israel for transplants in cases of acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL).
In addition, the Hematology-Oncology Department was recently recognized by the ITCC as a center for Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer. The ITCC is an international organization that has as yet recognized only a few medical centers in the world as centers of excellence, where experiments with new drugs and technologies may be done in their first and second phase.
Recognition by this exclusive organization serves as additional testimony to Schneider Children’s Hospital’s leadership in advanced research and care of children with cancer.