In times of war, there are many heroes, not all of them on the front lines. Many of them – like you – are not even in Israel! Together they form a united mass of compassionate commitment, sustaining and protecting those for whom this war has made life so much more difficult and scary.

As the war continues, Ezer Mizion has magnified its relief and support efforts. We have expanded and adapted our services to serve war victims and their families and to ensure that the vulnerable people whom we always serve continue to get what they so urgently need all the time.

If you know someone in Israel who needs help, give them Ezer Mizion’s hotline and encourage them to reach out for assistance.

*3464 Ezer Mizion War relief hotline
– all the services that we always provide and more

  • Trauma support hotline

Our professional staff has responded to over a thousand calls from frightened citizens including elderly holocaust survivors

  • Support for the elderly

Transportation for essential treatment and evacuation to safety. Delivery of food and medicine. Professional support for the traumatized

  • Free loan of medical equipment

Walkers, wheelchairs and sophisticated communication devices for those unable to communicate

  • Free ambulance and volunteer vehicle transport

Families of wounded brought to hospitals. Wounded brought to treatment centers

  • Delivery of medicines, food and supplies

Constant deliveries to the Front and to disabled and elderly

Ezer Mizion is working with government ministries, the IDF, local authorities and HMOs so that real needs are being answered in a balanced way. We have provided a response to thousands of verified requests for help so far.

As we navigate these turbulent times, any contribution, no matter the size, can make a difference in ensuring that our services remain uninterrupted and robust. You can make a huge impact with your support!
Click here to donate now.

As the war intensifies, we are hoping for your continued solidarity. Let’s stay together, fortifying our shared commitment to this noble cause. Thank you for your kindness and compassion.

To donate, click here
