pr mental health inaug of bldg Vizhnitzer Rebbe2013In the presence of many distinguished rabbis and public figures, as well as rehabilitating individuals and their families, Ezer Mizion inaugurated the new, spacious building housing its Mental Health Rehab House, that features sheltered employment and training for people recovering from mental illness.

pr mental inaug 2013 Premlishane Rebbe KKW_7819Since the inception of Ezer Mizion’s Mental Health services department some fifteen years ago, it has served as the address for rehabilitating individuals, enabling them to work and resume normative life. The beautiful, new structure was erected as a collaborative effort of Ezer Mizion, the National Insurance Institute and the Ministry of Health, with the goal of upgrading the rehabilitation process.

pr mental inaug 2013As heavy rainstorms raged outside, the participants enjoyed a heartwarming program in the heated tent erected in the structure’s courtyard. Rabbi Zev Schechter of Ezer Mizion opened with words of appreciation for the fruitful collaboration that made the Mental Health Rehab House a reality, with its varied departments to enable clients to realize their potential, such as the Life Skills Center, music section, social club, and more. He soberly pointed out that only twenty percent of those eligible for the Rehabilitation Package actualize their entitlements, and he encouraged people, assuring them of the ultimate in confidentiality,  to come forward and obtain the services that can help their loved ones mainstream back into normal life.

pr mental health inaug of bldg bldgThe audience was addressed in turn by Rabbi Moshe Shaul Klein, who extolled the unflagging efforts of Ezer Mizion in all areas of health, and especially mental health, Shmuel Weisglas, representing the National Insurance Institute’s Services for the Disabled, Dr. Gadi Lubin, of the Health Ministry’s Mental Health Services, and Professor Uzi Shai, Regional Psychiatrist. All the speakers commended Ezer Mizion for working to mitigate the stigmatization of mental illness and for placing a focus on rehabilitation and reabsorption into community and family.

pr mental illness sounds of the soul 1A thrill ran through the audience when the Sounds of the Soul musical ensemble, a project of the Ezer Mizion’s Mental Health Division, played songs specially composed for the occasion with remarkable professionalism. After the performance, Rabbi Chananya Chollak, International Chairman of Ezer Mizion gave an inspiring talk on how a person’s mental and emotional state affects his physical state and mentioned how fortunate Ezer Mizion is to be part of a collaborative effort to benefit people who have gone through such difficult situations, along with their families. The Vizhnitzer Rebbe followed with warm praise of Rabbi Chollak and Ezer Mizion for engaging in the chessed that will bring us the Final Redemption.

pr mental health inaug of bldg 2013 KKW_7739In conclusion of the festive evening, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe and the Premishlan Rebbe were given the honor of putting up mezuzahs on the new doorposts. After the ceremony, the guests were invited to take a tour of the 3-story building and view the professional exhibit prepared by the rehabilitating clients presenting all the activities of the Mental Health Division.
