Hashavua B’Elad by: Yair Peled

A joint initiative of Ezer Mizion and the Rabin Medical Center delivered important, updated medical information to the general public on the subject of heart disease, prevention and recognizing early signs.

Following widely-publicized studies on heart disease and its prevention, many people have heard that early identification of heart disease can literally save lives. Yet few know how to recognize these signs and expedite the vital early diagnosis.

In order to fill this gap and forestall heart attacks, Ezer Mizion and the Rabin Medical Center held a joint seminar on the subject called “Have a Heart”. The event, arranged as a public service with no entrance fee, evoked a great deal of interest and was well attended.

The program included lectures by senior doctors, accompanied by a video presentation. Dr. Zaza Yaakovshvili, director of Emergency Medicine for heart patients at Rabin Medical Center, discussed the signs of a heart attack and the importance of obtaining care in the early stages.

Dr. Avishai Ellis, head of Internal Medicine Ward 3 at Rabin, spoke about hyperlipidemia and arteriosclerosis.

The program also featured a panel led by Rabbi Shimon Rogoway, Ezer Mizion’s medical referrals director, a known and esteemed figure in public circles and in the medical community. The panel addressed questions that were sent in by the general public in advance and provided professional, up-to-date answers from the most respected doctors in the field.

Knowledge is power, and both Ezer Mizion and the Rabin Medical Center staff are hopeful that the public seminar will have a powerful impact and be effective in saving lives.
