She’s drowning in the ocean of aloneness, barely able to tread water. She spots a twig – perhaps it will help keep her afloat – and bravely swims toward it. She tries to touch it, only to find that it is attached to a branch, which is attached to a tree trunk which is solidly based in the ground. The branch is compassionate and bends over so that she can grab hold. It wraps itself around her and pulls her to safety. No longer is she alone.
It was just an email address. Tova spotted it in an ad. She knew Ezer Mizion helped people who have cancer and the like. She wasn’t sick but she was desperate. She had long ago given up hope. But her innocent children…the mother in her urged her to try. It was a shot in the dark .
I am a mother alone with seven children.
I wanted to know if you have any services that can help me. ty.

When the email appeared in Hadassah’s queue, she read so much more than the two lines it contained. And she responded. With compassion. With respect. And with answers.
Hi Tova.
Thank you for reaching out. That was courageous of you.
Where are you located? We might be able to assist with mentoring for your children and other help, depending on different factors. You would need to speak to Ezer Mizion’s Social Services Department staff directly see what services are available in your area.
Wishing you all the best,
Courageous? Someone thinks I am courageous? Tova sat up a bit straighter. She felt brave enough to tell her story.
I am located in Bat Melech Women’s Shelter in Beit Shemesh. I have 2 babies, 7 kids in all. I will attach a picture of my famiily.
Things have been hard. My husband is mentally ill. I suffered head trauma and so did my son from the abuse when he would bang our heads on walls and floors. My husband took all of the furniture from my house. I am left with nothing. I will soon be divorced. I am a giyores (convert) with no family support. I have no profession. I don’t know how you can help but you seem kind. Is there anything at all you can do?

Hadassah knows that her words have power to build and imbues each syllable with gentle concern. She is careful to instill hope without making any definitive promises which may not be able to be met.
What a beautiful family KAH! I hope that you find the help and support that you need…
I have written to Penina, the Director of the Social Services of Ezer Mizion, asking for her input.
I will get back to you and will put you in direct contact with her .
I wish you the greatest siyata dishmaya (heavenly assistance) in your journey, with nachat from your children and abundant light and joy in your life.
Thank you again for your courage and for reaching out,
Tova feels strengthened and shyly expresses her dreams.
Thank you. My children are truly a bracha (blessing). They give me something to live for.
Being that I need a job-I’ll just throw this idea out to you. My dream is to be a nurse. But, of course, I can’t afford the schooling. Perhaps you need doulas that can go to hospitals and help ladies that are giving birth. I can take a quick course to learn. Tova

“Penina was in touch with Tova that day. (She knows how hard it is to wait.) She began the process of arranging a course of study for Tova so that her dream can become reality. In addition, she will help Tova access her entitlements for government stipends and funding from other sources. Tova will soon be self-supporting but will still need help in other areas so that she will be able to function well as a parent and the family dynamics will be healthy ones. Ezer Mizion Advocacy Unit will ensure Emotional Therapy and Parental Guidance and help place the children in schools most appropriate for them. Household help for a limited time until she gets on her feet will also be part of the package. Ezer Mizion Food Distribution will provide Yom Tov baskets and grocery vouchers adding that special spice that says ‘We care!’ to each holiday. Additionally, Ezer Mizion will help her get on the lists of other organizations who will provide new clothing and shoes at lowered or no cost.
A hesitant email timidly sent through cyberspace fueled by a glimmer of hope. A connection is made and Tova becomes part of the Ezer Mizion family. No longer alone. No longer despondent. A Jewish family is rescued from a horrendous nightmare and given the means to function.