Volunteering in spite of the heat and weakness due to fast

So very young but they have already learned an important life principle:  that one is so much happier if the eye is not focused on the ‘I’. These young people could have spent Tisha B’Av groaning about how hungry they are, how many hours are left, what they plan to eat when the fast is over…Instead they focused on others. On families living with cancer who are surely having a difficult time fasting as they continue to deal with the nightmare that colors every moment. On parents who are not even home  but are spending the day at what has become  their second home – the oncology ward of the hospital. These Ezer Mizion volunteers cannot cure the cancer but perhaps they can alleviate the burden by keeping the children happily occupied during this most difficult day. And so, in spite of the miserable heat, in spite of their own weakness, off they went – over 40 Ezer Mizion volunteers – to give those kids a fantastic time.

Of course, transportation was needed both for the kids and the volunteers but there was no lack of those who wanted to be part of this project. When a request went out, the replies poured in:

Michael: I have a 5 seater- I’m in

Yosef: 5 seater- happy to join

Amnon : regular  car- count me on board

Moishie: In BeH

Oshriel- wouldn’t miss it for anything, my place saved from last year

Volunteer drivers unstoppable by extreme heat and weakeness due to fast


Pink, white and silver were Sara’s choices for a Bas Mitzvah color scheme. A lovely combination but, at the moment, no Bas Mitzvah was being planned. Sara’s dedicated mother was raising her daughter alone and so much wanted her to have a Bas Mitzvah fit for a princess but how could she manage? On a normal day, she was drained, caring for this child whom she loved so much but came with such great needs.    Sara is a sweet 12 year old was born with a genetic defect which has caused gastro complication, respiratory issues and bouts with epilepsy. Ezer Mizion, the answer to countless crises in the lives the most vulnerable of Israel’s population, was contacted and a call went out to its volunteers. Balloons, decorations, fancy cakes, miniatures all came pouring in. A group of seminary girls filled with exuberance and simcha enlivened the momentous evening of a girl whom they had never met. 

Volunteers create joy

As her daughter lay asleep with a smile on her face, the mother sent off an email:

It was such a powerful and emotional event, filling Sara with happiness and joy.

I’m sure this immense joy will help to give her strength and health.

What a creation the sweet table was!! To think that behind every cake or dessert were women who cared, invested hours of work in a special way. There aren’t word sufficient enough to thank all those that partook in creating this production. Please give over my greatest appreciation to each one. Hashem has promised, “Those that make my children happy, I will, in return, make them happy” May they all merit Smochot, nachat and happiness. Thank you to all those wonderful girls who came and danced. They filled Sara with so much love and joy. Sara came home and announced, ‘I have so many new friends, Some of the girls even gave me their phone number so that I could be in touch with them.’

Volunteers surpass all expectations

Please daven for Sara bas Shlomis.https://tehillim-online.com/psalms-of-david/Tehillim-20
