The LegoMan in action

Meet the man who has no limitations. Time, effort, geography. All meaningless when it comes to bringing joy to a little child who has known so much suffering in his young life. Meet our hero, Maor Cohen, aka the LegoMan. For years, he has been volunteering with his Lego Workshops at Ezer Mizion’s Oranit, Home for Families dealing with Cancer. Children are given a Lego set as a gift and Maor cheers them on as they complete their creation, giving them the feeling of ‘I can do it!’,  a feeling that spills onto the challenges they are now undergoing. The LegoMan, who exudes compassion, is the one parents often call when their child needs a boost of happiness. He loves those kids and they feel it.

It was typical of Maor to make his way to Schneider’s Hospital in Israel with a Lego set in his arm upon hearing that 9½-year-old Refael was so depressed. What was not typical was finding Refael not there. He had recently been sent to America for treatment. America? No problem. It was Wednesday. Just enough time to make some calls to friends to raise the funds, purchase a flight ticket, travel halfway across the globe and appear at the bed of a NY hospital to the total shock of Refoel. “I didn’t understand what was going on. Suddenly Maor walked in. I never thought for a moment that he would turn up in New York. It was the happiest surprise I ever had in my whole life.”

Refoel was not the only one to be surprised.  While visiting with Refoel, Maor learned that there were five other kids from Israel at the New York hospital. A quick trip to the toy store to buy more Lego sets and Maor’s Smile Factory was producing at full speed.

He wasn’t done yet. For several years, he had been communicating with Sara, a young cancer patient, and sending her Lego sets by mail. The two had never met. What a delightful ‘red letter’ day it was for Sara to be included in Maor’s Lego Club with a package of joy delivered personally by the LegoMan she loved.

Having spread cheer, Maor-style, throughout the ward, he took leave of his protégées, flew back to Israel, stopped by Schneider’s to give a package of hugs and a Lego Set to a child having a hard time that day and then  headed home to be with his family for Shabbos.   That’s what can be accomplished in 48 hours by someone who really, really cares.

If you would like to sponsor a Lego set, please call 718 853 8400 extension 104 or donate online and put Lego in memo field. .
