Jewish Memorial CandleSequel to Rx: Fun ( a description of Ezer Mizion’s Summer Camp for Families dealing with Cancer)
“My 7 year old daughter has been sick for the past 5 years. She never smiles anymore.” His voice broke. For several moments, he couldn’t speak. With tears streaming down his face, he continued, “Yesterday she smiled!” He could not stop telling me how enveloped with caring he and his wife and the other children feel at camp. “It’s like someone wrapped us in a soft blanket, and is gently stroking us and healing our emotional wounds.”

It was indeed little Gitti who smiled at camp. Her parents and siblings smiled too and laughed with her, holding on to her waning strength and her life that was ebbing away.

This past Tuesday, just two days ago, little Gitti woke up and gently announced to her parents and siblings: “Today is my last day in this world.”

Seeing the great distress and pain that she was in, her parents urgently called her doctor and asked him to come right away. By the time he arrived at their home, she had closed her eyes forever…

השם נתן והשם לקח – יהי שם השם מבורך…

Ezer Mizion is with the family at this very sad and difficult time, glad that we were able to fortify them only three short weeks ago at our summer camp with relief and respite ahead of this terrible loss.

May we share good news only!
