Self-esteem. A vital component to day to day functioning. At least as vital as the proteins and vitamins we consume, perhaps more. Some of us are blessed with a hefty dose embedded in our natural psyche. Some of us develop it by a series of successes in academics, in sports, or music or drama. Any area will do as long as we can hear the cheers from our imaginary audience. And then there are some that don’t. From early childhood on, they were the ones who couldn’t. Couldn’t do sports due to their physical disability. Failed academically due to feeling different than the rest of the class. And didn’t feel confident to even try to succeed in any area.
Now they have reached adulthood and many have never ‘heard the cheers’ even once. Their peers are moving on with marriage and careers but they remain in the same place. Some never even leave their homes.
All this changed for a small select group when Ezer Mizion opened Eishel Avraham, its Day Care Center for Adults with Physical Disabilities. There they are provided with instruction and equipment to produce their own creations. 3D printing is a favorite of all and has become the groundwork of potential careers. As one member put it, “If you had seen me before Eishel Avraham, you would have pitied me. But then again, you wouldn’t have seen me. I pretty much hid in the house. Now I have a reason to get up in the morning. I travel with my wheelchair, my head held high. I have friends I look forward to seeing and projects that I am excited about. I make small talk with the bus driver. I joke with the cashier at the supermarket. I suddenly feel part of the human race.”
The annual fair was a huge success as members sat behind their own table, displaying their creations to customers. Their natural intelligence, often high, combined with their individual talents finally have an outlet Countless items were purchased. These treasured members of our community are finally hearing the cheers.

Chananya Chollak, the founder of Ezer Mizion has a talent for spotting the needs of various suffering segments of our society. Nothing misses his caring heart. Ezer Mizion’s Roving Snack Bar was born to fill the needs of those who bravely live their every moment under the specter of a monster named Cancer. We can’t cure the cancer but a slice of lemon cake with yellow icing can do wonders at relieving the tension of the hour. Ezer Mizion’s roving refreshment station makes it way at Hadassah Ein Kerem’s pediatric oncology unit, with our volunteers distributing a fabulous sweet table for patients and visitors and staff alike, chocolate, candy, fruit, shakes…. infusing hope and good spirits ahead of a sweet new healthy year!!