5783 is now coming to a close and we are at the threshold of the new Jewish year 5784.

Please note the following important data:

In 5782 Ezer Mizion saved 425 lives (September 2021 – August 2022, approx. dates of תשפ”ב).

In 5783 Ezer Mizion saved 532 lives (September 2022 – August 2023, approx. dates of תשפ”ג).

That is 25% more lives saved, over the same period in the previous year which means 107 additional patients over and beyond last year, who got a second chance at life. This is BS”D, and thanks to our generous caring donors!!!!

It’s time to thank everyone for the wonderful year that we have all been privileged to be a part of and to daven that we should be zoche to this continued blessed trend.

May we share good news in the coming year ahead and continue to make such powerful impact that means so much and is – literally – life changing!!. בברכת כתיבה וחתימה טובה!!!
