Psychiatric disease. A phenomena only recently having reached the beginning of understanding, requires a comprehensive treatment regimen, not within the grasp of the layman. One aspect, however, can easily be sensed by everyone. Giving. Giving provides a sense of worth for the giver, a vital component in being able to rejoin the community.

Packaged by Ezer Mizion’s Mental Health patients

Ezer Mizion’s Kitchen is comprised of several giant-sized rooms with state of the art equipment to produce and package thousands of nutritious meals safely and aesthetically. Its staff?  It is staffed by psychiatric patients capable of functioning in such a setting. Factory style, they each have their role and proudly, yet carefully, they follow the instructions of the supervisor to a tee.  With each luncheon plate produced, their confidence grows, enabling them to eventually step out into the real world.

The events following October 7th have opened new vistas for mentally challenged individuals. New opportunities to give. In conjunction with Sheba Psychiatric Program, Ezer Mizion’s Mental Health Division’s latest project is Save a Soldier Packing Day. Packages are created to be sent to our soldiers in the freezing Northern Israel border.  Inside the soldiers found essential winter gear and other products to help them endure the cold and protect them from the harsh conditions they are forced to bear. The patients were inspired by the sacrifices of the soldiers and felt empowered by their very real ability to help. Inside the packages, there was one more item, perhaps the most valuable of all: a heartfelt note of blessings penned by the patients themselves.

The appreciation of the soldiers was evident in the demonstrative clip they sent back.

Enjoy the cheer! It is for YOU, our dear friends and supporters

Ezer Mizion offers a variety of psychological support services and rehabilitative programs for people in Israel suffering from psychological disorders, emotional issues and mental illnesses. These services include:

A Big Brother/Sister Program that pairs individuals suffering from mental illnesses with trained mentors who provide companionship, offer assistance with basic daily function, and teach the skills necessary for independent living.

Rehabilitative employment centers that provide mentally handicapped people with basic vocational training and employment, and ease their integration into free market employment.

A network of psychiatrists and psychologists throughout Israel who provide their services at a discount to patients referred by Ezer Mizion.

A psychological referral team  that recommends appropriate psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors to people grappling with emotional disturbances, mental health issues or difficult relationships.

A 24-hour crisis hotline for non-medical emergencies, including mental health crises such as suicide attempts or severe manic episodes.
