The Tel Aviv Museum of Art was the scene of a different form of beauty on a recent evening: the beauty of giving. pr golden caregivers award 2 14 1482835_10151894749423650_1450982269_n

Ezer Mizion’s Geriatric Services Division’s Outstanding Caregiver Award Ceremony took place at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. The evening was enhanced by a musical performance of the Kinderlach Children’s Choir. Nitzan Hess, a skilled juggler, amazed the audience with his repertoire of tricks, spiced with messages of faith, determination, and joy.

Sara Toper, director of the Geriatric Services Division, greeted the crowd of caregivers: “Dear dedicated caregivers, we are celebrating this evening in your honor. Day after day you do the holy and important work of helping the elderly. You are our most precious resource.”

 Bracha Yaakov, a devoted worker, was next to speak. Due to health circumstances, she had found herself ‘on the other side of the desk’ in need of assistance. The audience was moved tpr golden caregivers award 2 14o tears as she thanked her fellow caregivers for the warmth and understanding that accompanied their practical aid. “Being on the receiving end made me realize how vital the work that we all do is and what a difference it makes to be treated with dignity and respect.” 

Honor certificates were awarded to fifteen outstanding caregivers from all the regions throughout Israel. Outstanding among them was Eli Tueina from the Tel Aviv Branch, who was chosen as Number One. To add to the emotional moment, his brother Moshe Tueina, joined him on the stage among the organization’s outstanding award recipients. Deeply touched by the award, Eli said: “This is a great honor for me, and I thank you all for the recognition.”

The home attendants left the evening inspired and full of pospr golden caregivers award 2 14 1461891_10151894750118650_208180575_nitive energy to continue their important work with new dedication.


