Female and man's hands with red heart

A volunteer of grandfather vintage writes:

I went out today to distribute food. With lots of energy and good will, I came to collect the packages and got a list. Third floor, fourth floor, etc. No elevators. Ah, occasionally there was a ground floor…

Do I need to go up or do they come down? I tried to clarify.

Some of the groceries are for senior citizens. They can’t come down.

I set out. Up the stairs, down the stairs

Oh good! It’s ground floor, old corner house. A small front yard.

When she saw that I’d come out of the car, she poised, edgy. “Who are you looking for? What family?” When I answered, she lit up and shouted, “That’s me! That’s me!”

I put down the bags next to her and quickly turned my head as I asked her how she was doing.. I was afraid she’d see the tear that made its way down my cheek.

There she was simply sitting outside and waiting for me to deliver her food.

What if our volunteers decided to stay home instead? And what if you, our dedicated supporters, had not so generously donated to Ezer Mizion? She and so many others would have waited…and waited…finally returning home feeling disappointed, abandoned and oh so sad.   

The letter continues:

Unreal! How many tears I shed here today,

Today, our Jerusalem volunteers distributed hot meals to seniors in the Bucharian quarter and in Romema – about 230 households!

Jerusalem: more than 400 requests for assistance handled today.

Add to that Southern Israel. Add Modi’in area

Add Northern Israel. Add Central Israel

Nu… How many? How many…? I’ll tell you like this:A 4-digit number, starting with a 2…

A colossus of activity! There is nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing more to add! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the privilege of being part of this.


The same week we received another letter.

Where do I begin? It has been months since I first wrote about my son who was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. I wanted to update you on how he is doing. We have spent 10 months mostly sleeping in a hospital. His life is colored with chemotherapy, countless blood and platelet transfusions, feeding tubes, major surgery …yet he is still smiling. It is beyond a miracle that he just sails through it all. For now, his days are spent with blood checks and doctor visits, physical therapy, and school work and he even finds time to do what he loves most…ride his bike. His dream is that he will be able to return to school with all of his friends once he is s stronger and his immune system can support this. I thank you each and every one of you. This group of angels has been unbelievable source of strength and support for myself and my family during this challenging time. The outpouring of love and prayers, the meals, the rides to hospital, the diapers and formula. The therapeutic lego workshops and the petting zoo.  Always thinking of my other kids during birthdays and holidays to provide a bright spot during these of gloom. The list can go on and on. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! May Hashem repay you a thousand times over for your kindness.

Two letters thanking Ezer Mizion. One for all that has been given and one for the privilege of being a giver. And we, in turn, thank you, our friends and supporters for enabling us to accomplish so much.

