Twenty five women in Petach Tikva dealing with raising children, marriage responsibilities, workplace issues…from their wheelchair. As a result of degenerative diseases, these women are imprisoned in a wheelchair. Their struggles are unimaginable to the typical mobile woman but these women understand each other very wheelchair gen 2 Thus was born Ezer Mizion’s Club for Young Wheelchair-Bound Women which has been functioning for over half a year. The club gives them an opportunity to meet other women in a similar situation, to share experiences, and to seek wheelchair gen 2

Since most of the participants are not able to travel independently in their own vehicles, they are transported to and from the club with the help of Ezer Mizion’s ambulance fleet.

At the club, the women enjoy workshops and fascinating lectures, as well as special events before the holidays and other red-letter days. With time, close social bonds and deep friendships form between the women, which spill over beyond the club hours. These friendships foster hope and optimism in their wheelchair gen

Tu B’Shvat, Purim- any holiday- is a reason to celebrate. Parties abound, often  concluding in communal singing. All the women join together in a rousing rendition of lively songs, their hearts free, for the moment, of the trials that often weigh them down.

Joy. Togetherness. Encouragement. Supportive caring to sustain them in their unique challenge for months to come.

