Until a few months ago, they were an Ezer Mizion family. They needed. Ezer Mizion gave. And they accepted because there was no choice…

Mommy wasn’t in her usual place behind the counter making food for her family and so they received hot lunches and food for Shabbos. Attractively packed and spiced with a caring smile.

Mommy needed rides to the clinic for treatment. Her family needed rides to visit her when she was hospitalized. They needed and Ezer Mizion gave. Whenever they asked.  Always with love.

They were bewildered. Distraught. Overwhelmed by the medical terms they did not understand. Ezer Mizion’s Medical Referrals team guided them in accessing the best treatment and top doctors.

The bills were piling up and there was no head space to research a financial plan. The Ezer Mizion Advocacy Unit accompanied them, hand in hand, to ensure that they get all their national insurance entitlements and government stipends.

The fear, the terror drained their spirit. Fun and joy had become strangers in their home. Ezer Mizion Family Respite Retreats, Friday afternoon outings for the kids, Wednesday afternoon Art Therapy activities – all helped to bring smiles to a family that hadn’t smiled for days.

They were lost in a nightmare horror and Ezer Mizion embraced the entire family in a loving hug… the complete package of support during those oh so difficult times, through the initial shock…the treatments…the surgery until the finish line. Recovery.

They needed. Ezer Mizion gave. And they accepted because there was no choice…

And then things shifted.

Someone else needed. And they gave.

This week they got a thrilling call from the Ezer Mizion Bone Marrow Registry – that their son was found to be a genetic match for a sick patient who needs a stem cell transplant!

A transplant was his only chance to survive and DNA matching between donor and recipient was essential for success. It was their son who would make it possible.

Oh, how they understood. They were able to share the pain of the other family as only one who had traversed the same torment and angst could.  

The joy. The gratitude. The privilege. Now it was they who would give.

We had held their hands. Now those hands extended to help another. A circle of giving. Those that need. Those that give. And you, our dear friends and supporters, you who make it happen.   One family. The Ezer Mizion family.
