Giving…with all our heart

Do you know where Kiryat Shemoneh is? Many people have never heard of it.  It’s a-l-l the way up North in Israel. Somewhere out there at the far, far end of the country. Geographically so distant from the nearest metropolis.  A bit lonely, perhaps, but certainly not alone.   Even there, Ezer Mizion’s dedicated volunteer works hard to prepare Shabbat meals for a lonely patient, spiced with lots of love. She does it together with dozens of other volunteers, who share one giant heart. Together they arrange meals for patients and their families for weekdays and Shabbat, feeding dozens of patients, adults and children, dispersed throughout the North, from Netanya all the way up to Kiryat Shemoneh

Throughout the country, Ezer Mizion is there with a loving hug to help when it hurts. Come join us in our office. Have a seat as we open up the day’s mail: 

My wife has been receiving regular monthly treatment in the Hematology Department of Hadassah, Ein Kerem, for almost 20 years now. About two years ago  her health deteriorated further with major surgery and long periods of hospitalization, as well as, what have turned out to be, weekly (on average) visits to various different clinics in the Hospital. She also now receives blood every 2 to 3 weeks. But your lovely, caring, ladies from Ezer Metzion, who distribute nosh and meals, are a real ray of light and happiness.

So, in response to your email, I have set up monthly standing order payments of NIS 126 for the next year, and look forward to renewing at Chanukah time next year, perhaps with a supplement.

And our volunteers are there as long as they are needed… sometimes till the last moments.

Shani, an Ezer Mizion volunteer who distributes food on Thursdays in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, shares the relationship created via the Ezer Mizion cafeteria on wheels with the patients during this so very vulnerable period in their lives.

‘Last Thursday, as we made our regular rounds, we stopped in to say “hello” to Osnat. She had been hospitalized for such a long time. There is so much pain and purity in the hearts of those who suffer so much, alone, hanging on to each last shred of hope. When we came in, Osnat asked to hold my hand.  She held me tight and would not let go. There were no words. Only a deep expression of gratitude from her hand to mine. And something else. Was it a blessing, her wishes of all good for me who would be remaining while she… That was her last parting hug before she left us forever. This photo in my mind is everything to me… showing the power of giving.

I will miss Osnat. May her memory be blessed!’
