When iPads, iPhones and iPods were first marketed, there was a lot of talk about their potential for making video viewing, reading books and newspapers, games, social networking. office apps and more, easily accessible.
Millions of i-gadgets have since been sold around the world. With the development and increased presence of the i-devices, children at younger ages have been exposed to them, are playing with them and using them more and more.
The enormous potential of these devices for children with developmental delays was then discovered. These i-devices can be used for learning, for promoting and broadening organization, time management and communication skills, developing language and social ability, along with behavior modification.
Ever since the initial appearance of i-devices, thousands of applications have been created geared at children with special needs.
Today the iPad has become one of the most efficient tools used by early childhood developmental professionals as part of their therapy agendas. It is readily available, relatively inexpensive in the long-term in comparison to other products (toys, books), and very attractive. For the early childhood developmental professionals, i-devices are practical and friendly.
The iPad applications available that promote communication ability, speech and language development, language assignments and story-telling and their amazing success in early childhood development were presented at the recent Israel Child Development and Rehabilitation Organization national conference at the Dead Sea.
It was smack in the midst of the Pillar of Cloud military campaign that Yonit Hagoel-Karnieli, Director of Ezer Mizion’s Voice Output Communication Aids Lending Center, lectured about the marvels of iPads and their use in creating reciprocity, stimulating response, turn taking, language sequencing and more for special needs children.
Yonit presented onĀ Hi-tech apps in Early Childhood Development to a packed session at the conference. Her audience included the elite of Israel’s professional staff at early childhood development centers from all the kupot cholim and Ministry of Health offices throughout Israel, who join this prestigious conference once every two years.