He fought. He fought well. He was strong and energetic, fueled by love for Israel. It was what was later called the Six Day War. With gratitude to G-d, his unit was successful and Givaat HaTachmushat became theirs. Victory. A glorious time for Jews everywhere. They laughed with joy. Later they cried as their fingers touched those precious stones of the Western Wall. It was spectacular. It was sublime.

But that was then. Now is now.
Now he is ninety three years old, wheelchair bound. Then he was strong and capable. Then he could achieve. Now? Now he could only dream. Dream and try to remember that he had once, so long ago, accomplished great things.
Built into the human DNA is the need to feel valued, to feel he is contributing to his community. Sadly, Sholom’s bank account of self- respect was nearing depletion.
Sensitive to the emotional temperature of all Ezer Mizion’s clients, a volunteer noted the decline and became the catalyst for a slice of heaven, a gift that Sholom had always dreamed about.
It was not long before this 93 year old disabled holocaust survivor found himself in an Ezer Mizion ambulance adapted for the mobility impaired, on his way through sixty years of history, back to Givaat HaTachmushat where it all took place.
Surrounded by young soldiers, the age he had been in his dreams, the heroic paratrooper spoke of the battles, the dauntless exploits, the courageous valor he had experienced in his heyday.
There among his avid listeners, he proudly accepted the Red Beret and Paratroopers Wings, symbols of his invaluable contribution to his country.
And so it was that Sholom returned to his home, once again a vibrant personage, his value recognized among others and, most vital, his soul restored.
Ezer Mizion’s Golden Age Division empowers Israel’s elderly population – many of them Holocaust survivors – to live out their years in comfort, dignity and satisfaction offering an array of services and programs to seniors throughout Israel.

Social Clubs enabling the senior to create relationships with people of similar interests.
Home Repair Patrol provides repair service ranging from changing a light bulb to roof repair thus enabling the senior to live comfortably and safely in his own home.
Project Homecoming provides support to the senior with no relatives living nearby upon being released from the hospital.
Generation to Generation nurtures relationships and fosters understanding between young people and the elderly, while alleviating the isolation and loneliness often experienced by the aged.
Telelink Centers trains volunteers to initiate and maintain regular telephone contact with lonely, homebound elderly individuals, developing warm, personal relationships with them by conversing and showing a sincere interest in their wellbeing.
Fulfilling A Dream offers the elderly the opportunity to choose an event they wish to experience, something they can look forward to. Ezer Mizion coordinates the logistics of making these dreams come true.