A special lecture introducing the subject of “Personality Disorders” was hosted as part of a series on mental health issues coordinated by Ezer Mizion’s Mental Health Family Counseling Center that serves families with a mentally ill member.pr mental illness flower MB900445658 Co-sponsors of the series together with Ezer Mizion are Pa’amonei Tikvah and the Bnei Brak municipality.

The lecture, geared for professionals, educators, relatives of people with mental illness, and the general public, focused on personality disorders – the problem and the solution.

Dr. Yaakov Charness, Ministry of Health regional psychiatrist, spoke articulately on the topic, delineating the major signs of personality disorder, how the disorder develops, how the family can cope, and predominant treatment techniques, both via medication and with psychotherapy. The lecture drew an overflow crowd, indicating the avid thirst for information on this and other subjects of mental health that – for many years – were taboo.

Ezer Mizion has been involved in the field of mental health for more than 15 years, pr mental illness flower  MB900185197providing counseling, treatment and rehabilitative services for people suffering from mental health problems as well as for their families. During this time, the staff of Ezer Mizion came to realize that when a family member suffers from mental problems, the entire family unit undergoes a significant upheaval.

The families are often tormented by unexplained behaviors exhibited by their family member, without knowing what he has and who can help. The confusion and embarrassment make it hard for families to give the suffering member the assistance he needs. This can be critical, since early intervention in the range of mental problems can be critical for ensuring a speedy return to functioning and to a higher quality life.

The Family Counseling Center, which opened its doors two years ago, provides support and guidance, assistance in realizing entitlements, and information on the subject of mental health.pr mental illness flower MB900436865

The lecture series is one of the flagship projects of the Center, as it serves the double purpose of providing badly-needed information to families and people in the field, and also raising public awareness of mental health issues.
