pr mental illness flower MB900445658Dear Ezer Mizion administration,
I am the mother of a girl with high-functioning ASD and I participated in a support group for mothers, organized by your venerable organization. The group was led by Ms. Tichyeh Posen and Ms. Miriam Sarfaty, who, with each succeeding session, managed to give me and the other group members important tools and much emotional support.
Warm connections formed among the women in the group, based on our mutual openness and sharing of various experiences. We felt as if we had finally arrived at a place where people speak our language and understand us, even without words.
I cannot begin to describe the tremendous benefit I derived from these sessions. Every week, I returned home with renewed strength, new insights, and a “kitbag of provisions” to carry me through another few weeks of struggle.
May you be divinely blessed for your amazing work and justly rewarded for the warm and beneficial assistance that you so generously provide the public,
With deep appreciation,
My dear Orit,
Seeing your name on my ID screen was like a ray of light for me. In the middle of the raucous day, I knew that an island of tranquility, acceptance and release awaited me in the form of a group session that you, in your great dedication, made sure would work out just right.
Thank you and thank you again. May Hashem pay you your well-deserved reward!
