website bmr update templateIn May 2016 Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Registry facilitated 28 lifesaving transplants for a total of 2,153 lives saved!


Of these, 18 were made possible by funding from personalized donor pools.

Here are the sponsors who saved lives this month, and the total number of transplants done by their donor pool.


bmr 5 16 13346552_654323178053955_6470442261174260807_nAlan Cohen Donor Pool – 61 lives saved!

Damaghi Family Donor Pool, 2 transplants – 23 lives saved!

David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool, 4 transplants – 58 lives saved!

Givat Shmuel Donor Pool – FIRST life saved!

David & Judy Hager Donor Pool – 20 lives saved!

bmr 5 16 13335938_654323121387294_1193073489073032036_nLily Helfon Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!

Hole In One Donor Pool – 11 lives saved!

Don Marcos & Sra. Adina Katz Donor Pool, 4 transplants – 58 lives saved!

Levy Family Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!

Ronald O. Perelman Donor Pool – 24 lives saved!

bmr 5 16 13332814_654323321387274_4199484189979263582_nMaurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Fndn Donor Pool – 17 lives saved!
