website bmr update templateIn September 2014 Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Registry facilitated 33 lifesaving transplants for a total of 2,268 lives saved!

Of these, 24 were made possible by funding from personalized donor pools.

Here are the sponsors who saved lives this month, and the total number of transplants done by their donor pool

bmr 9 16 14670654_723245841161688_9003836538088008776_nAloni Chetz Property & Investments Donor Pool – 7 lives saved!
Bluston Charitable Trust
Donor Pool – 14 lives saved!
Boxenbaum Netta
Donor Pool – 3 lives saved!
Alan Cohen
Donor Pool – 71 lives saved!
Damaghi Family
Donor Pool – 26 lives saved!
Izzy & Caryl Englander
Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!
bmr 9 16 aDavid & Sarah Farajun
Donor Pool – 68 lives saved – 2 this month!!
Fluk Family
Donor Pool – 3 lives saved!
Kermit Gitenstein
Donor Pool – 7 lives saved!
Jewish Bone Marrow Testing Fund
Donor Pool – 43 lives saved!
Shchunat Karnei Shomron Community
Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!
Don Marcos & Sra. Adina Katz
Donor Pool – 61 lives saved!
Lud Community
Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!
bmr 9 16 14639671_723245741161698_6789210019280666203_nNachum Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!
Ira & Ingeborg Rennert
Donor Pool – 114 lives saved – 2 this month!
Moise & Chella Safra
Donor Pool – 11 lives saved!
Alan & Nicole Samson
Donor Pool – 5 lives saved!
Zohar Sapir
Donor Pool – 7 lives saved!
Shaul & Esther Shammay
Donor Pool – 2 lives saved – both this month!
bmr 9 16 bPhilip & Hedyeh Shaoul
Donor Pool – 5 lives saved!
Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation
Donor Pool – 18 lives saved!
