website bmr update templateApril 2017 – BMDR ACTIVITY SUMMARY
31 lifesaving transplants
21 from personalized donor pools
2,463 total transplants
856,257 members in registry

Below are the donor pools that saved lives this month, and their total transplants.

bmr 4 17 aAlan Cohen Donor Pool – 76 lives saved
David & Sara Farajun Donor Pool – 79 lives saved – 5 this month!
Tommy & Yehudit Farkas Donor Pool – 1 life saved
Hole In One Donor Pool – 20 lives saved – 2 this month!
Leora Kuhillow Donor Pool – 9 lives saved
Manny & Mojdeh Malekan Donor Pool bmr 4 17 c 1 life saved
Irving & Cherna Moskowitz Donor Pool – 21 lives saved
Ronald O. Perelman Donor Pool – 28 lives saved
Rolf & Ruth Redlauer Donor Pool – 6 lives saved
Dudu & Chagit Saada Donor Pool – 1 life saved
Alan & Nicole Samson Donor Pool – 7 bmr 4 17 blives saved
Ephriam & Devora Schreiber Donor Pool – 1 life saved
Farzad & Sheila Shahery Donor Pool – 2 lives saved
Shva Company Donor Pool – 5 lives saved
Wiener, Widawsky, Rebenwurzel Donor Pool in memory of Shmuel and Yaffa Herman – 1 life saved
Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Donor Pool (Anne Manning’s Donor Pool) – 1 life saved
