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March 2018 – EZER MIZION Saves 30 Lives!

In March 2018, Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Registry facilitated THIRTY lifesaving stem cell transplants – for a total of 2,772 lives saved to date!

Patients were from the following countries:Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, UK, USA

Of these, 23 were from personalized donor pools located in USA, UK, Canada, Israel, Brazil, Switzerland .

Below are the sponsors who saved lives this month, with the total number of transplants done by their donor pool.

bmr 3 18 b

ABS Settlement Donor Pool 10 lives saved!
Adiram Donor Pool 1 life saved!
Anonymous CF Donor Pool 12 lives saved!
René & Susanne Braginsky Donor Pool 3 lives saved!
Brazil Community Donor Pool 126 lives saved – 4 this month!
Damaghi Family Donor Pool 45 lives saved!
El-Ad Modiin Community Donor Pool 1 life saved!
bmr 3 18David & Sara Farajun
Donor Pool 102 lives saved – 3 this month!
Hole In One Donor Pool 36 lives saved – 2 this month!
Hope4Adam Donor Pool 3 lives saved – 2 this month!
Charles Kushner Foundation Donor Pool 7 lives saved!
Michael & Evelyn Levy Donor Pool 1 life saved!
Neal & Nicci Menashe Family Donor Pool 2 lives saved!
bmr 3 18 cIsrael & Edith Pollak Donor Pool 15 lives saved!
Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool 136 lives saved!
Sakhaie Family Donor Pool 1 life saved!

