pr L2L Meir Quinn
Meir Quinn, Director of LInked to Life

People care about each other. It’s part of being human. We’d love to help out when another person is need but so many times we are not aware of the need. Perhaps he needs a ride from here to there and I am going from the same ‘here’ to the same ‘there’ but I never find out about his need until it’s too late. That’s what Ezer Mizion’s Linked to Life is all about – a What’s App group of thousands, both in Israel and around the world, who are anxious to help when another is in need. With extensive networking, a vital item may be passed from hand to hand until it reaches its destination halfway around the globe. Life-saving medication, vital medical equipment, MRI’s, blood samples for asap testing – they’ve all made their way via the L2L Train. Here is one of the many thank you letters received.


My name is Hila. I am a cancer survivor. I currently take a preventative medication called Tamoxifen on a regular basis.

Less than two weeks ago, I left for a trip to various places in the Far East for about a month and a half. After the first few days, I discovered that, due to some miscommunication, I did not have a sufficient supply of the medication with me for the rest of my stay. I wrote a post on Facebook asking for help with sending the medicine from Israel. Of course, people really tried to help but no one knew anyone flying from Israel to Saigon. So I called Idit Sever, Ezer Mizion’s cancer support social worker and she immediately came to my assistance. She contacted Meir Quinn, director of Ezer Mizion’s Linked to Life What’s App groups. Miraculously, within a very short time, he networked among the thousands of Linked to Life members and found someone who was coming to Saigon and was willing to deliver the meds to me directly. I couldn’t believe it! I never imagined, that it would happen so fast.

So,­ to Idit Sever, Meir Quinn, and Levi Friedman ­–­ the angel who brought me the medicine – and to everyone who took part in this project, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help!

cell-phoneSometimes it is people in your neighborhood that you never knew but helping them in their time of need, you become like family. Every L2L member in the town rejoiced when a notice was posted about the young couple that they had been helping for a year. Their baby girl was born at 700 grams. Daily rides for the parents were found to and from the hospital. Rides were found for other family members who came to relieve them. Deliveries were made to them. Anything to ease their plight during this difficult time. And now the members were notified that the baby has reached 9 kilo and is being released today! What joy! Each one walked around that day with a happy smile, sharing the family’s elation from afar. One member merited to be part of this parade of happiness when he responded to the request for an SUV to transport the parents, the baby and all the equipment needed for the next step of Life at Home with Mommy and Tatty.

Anyone, wherever you live on the planet, who would like to join Linked to Life: SMS: 011 972 52 580 8936

