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Donor Pool NameOctober 2020 TransplantsTotal Transplants
Blood Brothers213
Brazil Community3204
Elliott & Lynn Dolin17
El-Ad Modiin Community12
Englewood Community13
David & Sara Farajun1144
Hershel Fink
Gabor Vardi16
Guardians of Life12
Yaakov David ben Simcha Mordechai15
Hall Family13
Hole In One276
Leora Kuhillow115
Lechu Neranena Raanana Community27
Rubin & Mollie Lazarus13
Liat, Noam & Eden Neubert11
Ronald O. Perelman141
George & Pamela Rohr180
Ira & Ingeborg Rennert1172
Danielle Sonnenfeld13