Linked to Life: We’re all connected!

We all remember what Purim was like. That special electricity in the air as we rush from house to house sharing treats and Purim joy. In the center of the Avenue, a rabbit dances with a lion to bouncy Purim tunes. On the next block, a miniature Mordechai gleefully rides a pony while being led by “Haman” announcing to the world, “Thus shall be done…” Many of Ezer Mizion’s  Linked to Life volunteers add another dimension to their holiday festivities by granting Purim wishes to people in need.

people helping people around globe
People Helping People around the Globe

Not long ago, Ezer Mizion launched a What’s App Group called Linked to Life, creating awareness of the individual needs of people in Israel and around the world.

Jewish compassion has answered thousands of calls, helping people in need. Calls are often increased around holiday time. It was almost a beep a minute at Linked to Life headquarters during the Purim season and each request was answered, some within seconds.  Come take a peek at what was behind each beep.fireman hat

  • A little boy wants to be a fireman but his mother has cancer and has no strength to buy him a costume. Who can help?
  • We have 150 kids with special needs learned about Mishloach Manot and are expecting their Purim treats? Can someone donate them?
  • A small boy with leukemia is dreaming of a special costume. No one can find it anywhere. Any volunteer to custom sew it for him?
  • There’s a patient at the oncology ward who is very sad he’s missing Purim. We need lots of volunteers with songs and smiles to erase the hospital gloom. pr mental musical_notes_2
  • We’re on duty here at the firehouse all day. Can someone come to read the megillah for us?
  • There’s a large group of patients at Shaar Menashe Hospital with not a sign of Purim. Can anyone arrange a lively party? Who can provide food? Music? Costumed dancers?
  • A cancer patient has no family. I have a list of all her favorites but I’m out of town. Can someone put together a Mishloach Manot package for her?

Purim is now over. The beeps are less frequent but still coming in.

  • To New York branch of Linked to Life:
    Baruch is a 5-year-old cancer patient who is arriving from Israel and landing in Newark at 6:00 PM. He is able to eat only cooked white rice and. With all the paraphernalia needed for this medical trip, his parents forgot his container of white rice. Can someone meet them at Newark airport with a meal for this child who hasn’t eaten in hours?Airplane
  • Urgent! Looking for a volunteer to bring a prosthetic hand from London to Israel today! The prosthesis can be brought to any location in London and picked up from any place in Israel…If you know of someone flying today from London to Israel, please call ASAP.


Ezer Mizion’s Linked to Life: a What’s App group that connects us all, joining hands around the globe to help each other in our time of need.  Like to be part of something big?  Simply text “I want to join” to: 011 972 52 580 8936.

We’re all connected…always here for you, anywhere, anytime.


For further info and to make donations:
US: 718-853-8400-5225 New Utrecht Ave, Bk, NY, 11219

Canada: 647-799-1475 4850 Keele St, Toronto, ON, M3J 3K1


