Bracha Jaffe is an oncology nurse by profession. Every day she sees cancer patients- so many of them, Jews– dying. For a significant percentage, a bone marrow transplant is their last chance. As they lie there on a hospital bed praying for the genetic match to be found in time, Bracha prays alongside them.
A highly talented young woman, Bracha’s has created many a professional performance. Seeking to benefit those with whom she has shed many a tear, she has offered to create a show to benefit Ezer Mizion’s International Jewish Bone Marrow Registry. Together with Mina Black, The Davis Sisters, Rachel Jakob, Bracha has created an outstanding, professional performance of joy, of togetherness, of prayer- of Judaism at its best.
Bracha feels a deep connection with Ezer Mizion, the organization which cries along with her. Ezer Mizion is the largest bone marrow registry in the world. It has facilitated over one thousand transplants, saving the lives of cancer patients like the ones she deals with on a daily basis. But even the largest registry is not large enough and too many requests are returned with the words: No Match Found, a virtual death sentence. A charming eight year old boy with blond hair was waiting for the call that would mean life. But it didn’t come in time. He will never be nine. His seat in the classroom is empty. His innocent classmates, too young to fathom finality, look bewildered, still hoping that he might somehow re-appear. His father, who has risen way above human emotions, has spoken at public events urging people to support Ezer Mizion so that, for others, the story can have a happy ending.
And there are so many waiting. Imagine a five year old mischievous imp who can no longer engage in his daily naughtiness. Now he lies limp, to weak to even lift a crayon. He waits. His parents wait. His grandparents wait. They wait in hope and prayer for the life-saving genetic match to be found before it’s too late. The phone rings. Thank G-d. The news is good. We cannot fathom their elation at hearing that the child will live. Because a genetic match was found, he will mature. He’ll marry. He’ll raise his own children. They will, in turn, have families. Generations. Forever.
In the words of Dr. Michael Harris, Joseph M. Sanzari Childrens Hospital Director, who recently sent Ezer Mizion two files of children for whom he had no match., “And Ezer Mizion found matches for both of them! This is why we need Ezer Mizion!”
As the registry grows, the chances become greater for that happy ending that was, unfortunately, not the lot of the eight year old boy.A sixteen year old young man named Alex, son of oncologist, Dr. Aaron Katz, is one of those storybook endings. “He’s doing great after his transplant,” says his mother. At a recent event, he took the mike and thanked the audience for their help in providing the ultimate gift, the gift of a future. Ezer Mizion’s goal is to grow from its current over 600,000 registrants to 1 million, a number that, statistically, will enable virtually each request to be met with a resounding Yes! We have a match!
Join us at Forever. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll feel part of something big. And your participation will help sick Jews to have a future…forever.
For info/tickets: 718 853 8400
12/29 Brooklyn College Center for Performing Arts in Brooklyn
12/16 RCC, Monsey
Tickets can be purchased at:
Eichlers, BP, Eichlers, Flatbush, Judaica Place, Flatbush, Torah Treasures, Flatbush
Tuvia’s, Monsey, Doren’s, Monroe