Residents of Ramleh and nearby areas are invited to take part in a special bone marrow donation drive to save the life of Rinat Mordo, a ninth grader at Idanim High School in Ramleh who has leukemia.

Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Donor Registry is coordinating a donor recruitment drive in an attempt to find a matching stem cell bmr Rinat Mordo 1545_ne_photo_stories1_0a9ea The bone marrow drive will take place on Wednesday Feb. 20th at the Art School in Kiryat Ha’umanim, 31 Uzi Chitman St., Ramleh, between 5 and 8 PM. All you need to join is to give a simple saliva sample, at no cost.

This is the third year that Rinat Mordo has been battling with blood cancer. Struggling with the illness is no simple matter for Rinat or her family, but Rinat wants to live and a stem cell transplant is her only hope of recovery. Throughout this difficult period, Rinat’s teachers, school staff and friends from her class and grade have been making every effort to support Rinat, keep her company and keep her spirits up.

Unfortunately, Rinat’s previous attempted bone marrow transplant did not succeed in improving her health condition. In fact, recently, her health took a dangerous downturn, and the doctors recommended doing a second transplant, this time from an unrelated donor.

A search through registries in Israel and around the world did not cpr bmr cheek swab 1545_ne_photo_stories2_12971ome up with a suitable matching donor. So Ezer Mizion’s Registry is doing a drive. Ronit’s parents and family, her principal and friends are all urging people to join the registry.

Lab testing a single saliva sample costs Ezer Mizion $65. Every donation, big and small, will help cover the cost of lab testing new donors who join the registry. Help save Rinat’s life!

