Shabbos is always special but recently Shabbos in Yeshivas Birkat Moshe was extra special. Extremely grateful for the gifts Hashem […]
A Letter Meant for You, Our Dear Friends and Supporters
Hello everyone, What’s it like when a mazel tov is accompanied by a question mark? My name is Sara. […]
CP & All
Menachem Weiss, a “special” teen with CP, reports every week to Merkaz Ha’inyanim on an angle of life that he […]
Impossible Dilemma? Solved.
A few days ago, my younger sister got married. From the moment she got engaged, I could not get out […]
Hillel’s Story by Kobi Arieli
There is that moment, that terrible moment. I admit that I, too, have thought about it more than once, as […]
A Letter Meant for You, Our Dear Friends and Supporters
Dear Ezer Mizion administration, I wanted to tell you, from the depths of my heart – THANK YOU! For the […]
A Letter Meant for You, Our Dear Friends and Supporters
Elul, 5775 To all those involved, the wonderful people of chessed and deeds, I wanted to thank you so much […]
A Letter Meant for You, Our Dear Friends and Supporters
Dear Ezer Mizion administration, Shalom! I am the mother of a girl with high-functioning ASD and I participated in a […]
A Letter Meant for You, Our Dear Friends and Supporters
23 Elul, 5775 Dear Ezer Mizion administration, Shalom! My name is Chana and for the last few months, I participated […]
A Letter Meant for You, Our Dear Friends and Supporters
Erev Yom Kippur, 5776 Dear Ezer Mizion administration, Shalom! I just completed a support group/guidance series for parents of children […]