In response to “Project Protective Edge,” Ezer Mizion has reported to duty on behalf of residents of the South, ready to assist in every area we can.
Ezer Mizion’s many volunteers have been hard at work since the operation in Gaza began, doing everything possible to respond to the many requests for assistance pouring in and relieve the stress of residents of the South, as well as the wounded soldiers and their families and the hospitals’ staff:
• Providing hot meals and sandwiches for wounded soldiers and their families
• Assisting the medical staff at the hospitals
• Loan of medical and rehabilitative equipment to the wounded
• Hosting families from the South
• Hosting families of the wounded at the Oranit Cancer Patient Guest Home (while guests were away at camp)
• Transporting the elderly and mobility impaired from the South to cities in Central Israel
• Relief Center for shock victims
• Assistance to families with special-needs children
All this and more we have been doing, as always, out of a genuine sense of mission.
We hope and pray that peace and quiet will soon return to our land. Until then, we will continue working with all means at our disposal to be there for those who need us.